Newsletters, they work blog post

Newsletters, They Work

Make no mistake deciding to send out a business newsletter and getting everything set-up is initially time-consuming but once everything is in place you will find them invaluable. Newsletters are a fast, flexible and cost-effective way to communicate. They remind customers/clients about the company. When …

Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

This year has seen more than enough rules, regulations, and advice; therefore, as we enter mid-summer, my article is merely contemplative; best read with your morning cup of coffee or something more substantial later in the day.

Normal, Not Normal

Normal, Not Normal

I love the fact that my hair salon is a ‘No Covid conversation’ business. The owners of Bangles Hair Salon and Spa made this decision for the sake of their staff’s mental health.The offshoot is that we as clients can enjoy their services and relax …

There Where Bright Spots Blog

There Were Bright Spots

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.I was fortunate back in February 2019 as a solo entrepreneur with a fully functioning home office I could quickly …

Book Revirw of Cladlands

Brief Review: Clanlands

CLANLANDS: Whiskey, Warfare and a Scottish Adventure Like No Other – Sam Heughan & Graham McTavish The itinerary included a week in London, then take the train to Scotland where I was going to try and abandon my penchant for over planning and just see …

What Gets Your Creativity Flowing?

For entrepreneurs, the merit of reading business books and biographies is well documented however it is in the world of fiction where we nurture our creative side.