Add Something New to Your Business in 5 Steps

Most business owners have a ‘one-day’ idea, often gathering dust in a discarded business plan or as a reoccurring thought that unwittingly surfaces as we drink our morning coffee. 

Whether you want to write a book to position yourself in your field, expand your physical location, or add a service that takes you in a fresh direction, these five stand-alone steps will bring you closer to your goal. 

1. Write it down: Pen and paper or Word doc, you should record your goal (in detail). The process will clarify your thoughts and serve as a reference guide when things get underway.

Ask questions like “What is my objective?” “How will this help my growth and future income?” “Who is my intended target customer or client?”

2. Research, research, research: No matter the size of this project, know it backwards and forwards. What are its different stages? Look at examples of similar projects. How have other people made this a reality? If possible, reach out to them.  

3. Meet with the people who will help you reach your goal: Contractor, business consultant, marketing expert, copy editor or web people …. How will your team look? What are their rates and availability?

4. Create a budget: Speaking with the necessary people (see #3) will allow you to write down costs. If the venture is large, decide whether to meet with your accountant or bank.

5. Prepare a schedule: How much time will this new project require? When are your quiet business times? Check the family schedule, too.

Proceed at the best pace for you and your business; ultimately, the decisions, schedule and budget are yours.

Keep the number of people who know about this project small and tight. Especially in the preliminary phases, when you don’t need unsolicited opinions and negativity. There will be a later opportunity for constructive feedback.

Successful businesses must stay fresh and up-to-date; if you don’t have any ideas, check in with customers/clients via a survey and (or) meet with a business consultant to discuss how best to take your company forward. It doesn’t have to be big, but it should reignite the passion that makes you love what you do.

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